WallbrenFarms Ltd
Fall 2023

When Owen and Pam Wallace regrouped after a devastating fire, they chose County Line to rebuild a 64 x 500 x 1 Storey Cross/Tunnel Ventilated Barn near Hickson, ON.

Further discussion with poultry specialist Jonathan Welch led to fully equipped solutions utilizing the following equipment: Bulktech Bins, ChoreTime Augers, and Landemeco Feeders with ChoreTime Reliaflow Drinkers.  There are separate  Motorized Electric Winches on all feeder and drinker lines.

Superior Radiant ALTX “Even Heat” tube heaters were installed on both sides of the barn.

Primary minimum ventilation air intake is through the TPI ceiling inlets.  Growing birds will need sidewall baffles to supplement air, and the final stage is a Tunnel with Evap Pad.

Tube Style circ fans set up in a crisscross pattern help provide air circulation at lower levels of ventilation.

GSI Monocoque and Agri Fan ventilation provides the exhaust power.  Tunnel Intake utilized Cumberland  Interior Tilting Tunnel Door with Evaporative Cooling Pads and a Tarp.

Closure System on the exterior of the system for a tight winter seal.

The Control system is thru a Genius i-touch Controller using an extra relay panel to provide complete over-rides for the various components.  The i-Touch controller

Takes information from Temperature, Humidity, Static Pressure and CO2 sensors to provide the ideal growing conditions for the Chicken Broilers.

The i-touch Controller has birds scales integrated into the system and daily weight gain is monitored and used as management information.

An AgriAlert 128 Alarm System monitors the Controller and barn environment.

The alarm and the climate controller are both connected thru internet to remote access, and functions are available through a PC or smart phone.

A Poultry Hawk Bird Disposal System with Talon Euthanasia Kit attached to the unit was also installed.

County Line congratulates the Wallace’s on their recovery and has confidence in their success moving forward.

Photo Credits: Jonathan Welch