Diversification–the Shantz’s Build for Succession
Three generations of Shantz in front of their new Skov Broiler Barn. Rick and Doreen Shantz parents of Brett and Jocelyn Shantz make plans for the next generation.
“‘Our passion is in the dairy industry, but we just can’t grow that the way we want to right now,’ said Brett Shantz. ‘So, we’re diversifying.’
Why it matters: Poultry offered the family more security than expanding the current dairy operation.
Shantz, his wife Jocelyn and parents Rick and Doreen Shantz are partners in the sixth-generation farm near Wallenstein. The family invested $1.1 million in the 72-by-250-foot, 20,000 bird broiler barn as part of the farm’s succession plan.
The cost of land, limited availability and lack of labour didn’t allow for dairy expansion so they leveraged the dairy success to fund the poultry venture.
‘(Diversification was needed) to make it viable and affordable and (provide) enough cash flow to support everybody and what we want to do to see the farm carry on and be successful,’ said Rick Shantz.”
Read the full article by Diana Martin at Farmtario: