Featuring industry standard products from brand names you have come to trust over the years like Choretime and Cumberland, CountyLine offers a full line of equipment for Broilers, Breeders, Layers and Turkeys.
CountyLine offers quality products that will measure up to today's tough demands at any stage of pork production. We also have a team of installation and service staff along with a stocked warehouse to keep your operation running year round.
We carry ventilation equipment for Dairy operations from high efficiency tunnel fans to climate controls with weather stations to heat exchangers for calf barns. We also are the specialist for feed storage & auger systems whether it is TMR or robots.
CountyLine offers several different options for feed & grain storage, as well as complete solutions for augers & unloading.
The National Poultry Show made for a busy week. If you had chance to stop by and chat we appreciate that you took the time!
Did we miss you? We welcome the chance to hear about how we can help your next project. Give us a call or connect via the Contact Page.