CountyLine offers quality products that will measure up to today's tough demands at any stage of pork production. We also have a team of installation and service staff along with a stocked warehouse to keep your operation running year round.
The inset is of a customer’s flex auger damaged by falling snow. We also have heard of a few situations where larger diameter fans (especially those which cone extensions) have been damaged. Keep air inlets free from blowing or drifted snow.
Preventive measures can have huge cost savings.
We are registered as a bill payee with the bank and some credit unions. We will receive Online Banking bill payments the following day.
Need more details? Please call the office: 800-463-7622
CountyLine congratulates Jane and Emily Lindner and their new broiler barn. Installations of Landmeco Pan Feeding Kick-Off 330, Skov LPV Ventilation System, Bulk Tech Feed Tanks, Poultry Hawk, Omnivore Composter and Custom Auto Winch Systems (for feed and drinker lines) are among the products Hidden Spring Acres Ltd chose to raise healthy flocks. Bravo on an open house and continued success!
Bravo on an open house and continued success!
Three generations of Shantz in front of their new Skov Broiler Barn. Rick and Doreen Shantz parents of Brett and Jocelyn Shantz make plans for the next generation.
“‘Our passion is in the dairy industry, but we just can’t grow that the way we want to right now,’ said Brett Shantz. ‘So, we’re diversifying.’
CountyLine is proud to stand behind a family team working together to build a strong business. To the Shantz family of Rick, Maureen, Brett, and Jocelyn, thank you for letting us celebrate with you. CountyLine applauds your open house and continued success!