Featuring industry standard products from brand names you have come to trust over the years like Choretime and Cumberland, CountyLine offers a full line of equipment for Broilers, Breeders, Layers and Turkeys.
Tired of climbing bins? Wish there was a cheaper, simpler solution than loadcells for feed inventory management? Not interested in more monthly fees? The SeeLow system may be what you are looking for. SeeLow sensors mounted on your storage bins take accurate measurements of feed levels and relay this into the cloud so you can access the information 24/7. Set alerts to notify when levels reach critical lows or fill events. Manage multiple farms & bins from one source. Installation and setup is simple – the sensors are wireless and have integrated solar charging to ensure no downtime.
For more information contact us at sales@county-line.ca or www.agrimesh.net
Introducing Agrimesh – Artificial Intelligence to run your ventilation. The system makes decisions based on past, present and future data to optimize efficiency and maintain your targets. Many systems boast the 24/7 availability of your data, but what are they doing with it? Finally a system that will intervene on your behalf based on the data so you don’t have to micro-manage it. Think of it as a barn manager that evaluates conditions and makes decisions every 2 minutes. You can still monitor the conditions as much as you like via smartphone App and the system is able to send predictive warnings when conditions are not able to hit or maintained within your targets (such as an equipment failure situation or rapidly changing outdoor conditions). The system features a mesh network that interconnects all equipment and provides integrated safety backups, including email/text and phone calls for alerts.
For more information or to arrange a consultation contact us at sales@county-line.ca or visit www.agrimesh.net