Recent Projects

64′ x 300′ Broiler Barn
August 14, 2019
State of the art broiler facility built by Hart Boersma Construction. Highlight features: – new AVI heat Exchangers with automatic cleaning function – TPI ceiling inlets for minimum ventilation – continuous insulated baffle & large diameter AgriFans for maximum ventilation – Genius iTouch control system – Agri Alert Touch alarm system – SRP tube heaters – Landmeco Kick-off 330° Feeders – Choretime ReliaFlo drinkers – Bulktech feed bins Thanks to John & Tyler Hopkins for choosing County Line for their project.
65′ x 400′ Broiler Barn
European Style Ventilated barn with cathedral ceiling built by Domm Construction Highlight Features: – Skov LPV Ventilation – Low Power (Consumption) Ventilation – Advanced / Delayed modular inlets for precise air control – Chimney fans with Stepless / MultiStep logic – Skov Touchscreen Controls with FarmOnline data management & remote access – MultiHeat hot water heating system – Landmeco Kick-off Feeding system – Lubing Drinkers – Bulktech Feed Bins Thanks to Rudi for choosing County Line for both of your barn projects!
New Broiler Barn
July 4, 2017
Nice broiler setup built and owned by the Pol family.  The focus was on efficiency, but the project also shows the attention to detail you would expect from a quality home builder – which is what the Pol family is known for.  The barn features a dual-cross ventilation system paired with modular inlets for precise minimum ventilation.  SRP radiant tube heaters exhausted to outdoors ensure lower humidity and C02 levels for optimum bird welfare.  The control system is the new EDGE touchscreen and an Agri-Alert 128 touch, both set up with remote access, so no matter where they are in their day, they can stay in touch with what is…
Turkey Site
June 22, 2017
Efficient brood / grow setup for turkeys.  Brooder barn renovation & grower barn constructed by Hart Boersma Construction and shows the attention to detail they put into their projects.  Boiler systems installed by Airtech Heating & Cooling, electrical by Unitec Electric. Brooder Barn Features:  Hot water fin pipe heating & boiler system Cross ventilation with AgriFans & heat exchangers (Exacon) Genius i-Touch control system Choretime Liberty Poult feeding, Lubing Easyline with brooder cups for watering Bulktech feed bins Skov alarm unit with built in modem for text messaging Grower Barn Features:  Hot water fin pipe heating & boiler system Cross ventilation with AgriFans & heat exchangers (Exacon) Genius i-Touch control system Choretime ATF Plus…
64′ x 320′ Broiler
August 26, 2016
State of the art broiler facility featuring: Dual cross ventilation with Tulderhof minimum vent inlets Lead Air heat exchanger system with de-ice & cleaning cycles Hot water fin pipe heating system Landmeco feeding system & Lubing waterers all on automatic winching EDGE Ventilation controls Agri Alert 128 Touchscreen alarm system CBM LED lighting Thanks to Joel & Jaqueline for choosing County Line to be a part of your project!
Broiler Barn
April 14, 2016
Boersma Family Farms, Mitchell ON This state-of-the-art facility was built by Hart Boersma Construction in 2015.  For years, Hart has built a reputation in the housing and construction industry by paying attention to the small details that give the whole project a high-quality finish.  So when it came to his own poultry facility, there were no exceptions, as much thought and planning was put into the design & layout.  This barn breaks the mold of a typical broiler barn as the ventilation was designed to provide the best climate possible for the bird.  Although it was considerably more money, the Boersma’s decided to install a hot water heating system from…
June 22, 2015
James and Nancy Elisen, Listowel ON The barn was constructed by Whitechurch Construction in 2013 and features precast slats and pen-dividing walls, and the whole interior is lined with Trusscore. This, along with the windows in the side panels and end walls, makes a bright interior year-round. The dual ventilation system allows the barn to operate with efficiency in the warmer seasons without compromising minimum ventilation in our cold winter climate. The barn features Altra-seal insulated panels that are integrated with ceiling inlets and pit fans by a Genius control system specifically designed for dual vent barns to ensure the transition is done properly. The Bulktech powder-coated feed bins ensure…